Conference Vienna 2022

Forum Young Theology 2022
Between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
Perspectives for a Future Protestantism
May 11-14, 2022 | Cardinal König House, Vienna

European public spheres are increasingly shaped and dominated by nationalist positions. This not only affects the political debates of the respective societies. It also challenges the Protestant churches as actors in these societies. On the one hand, Protestant churches are strongly rooted in their own historically and culturally shaped narratives. On the other hand, as Protestants, they are part of European Protestantism and worldwide Christianity. What challenges European public spheres are increasingly shaped and dominated by nationalist positions. This not only affects the political debates of the respective societies. It also challenges the Protestant churches as actors in these societies.

On the one hand, Protestant churches are strongly rooted in their own historically and culturally shaped narratives. On the other hand, as Protestants, they are part of European Protestantism and worldwide Christianity. Which challenges do young theologians see for their churches through strengthening nationalisms? Which importance do they attach to their own national roots for their Protestant identity? Which perspectives do young theologians see between nationalism and cosmopolitanism for their own future as Protestants in Europe? These and similar questions will be explored by the Young Forum Theology 2021-2022.


11th May 2022 | Wednesday 

16:00 Welcome
17:00 Introduction of participants and project partners 
18:00 Keynote: “Protestantism between nationalism and cosmopolitism”

12th May 2022 | Thursday  

07:30 Breakfast
08:45Morning Praye
09:00Country reports I
10:30Coffee break
11:00Country reports II
14:00Country reports III
15:30Coffee break
16:00Field trip: Protestantism in Vienna (Guide: Michael Bünker, former General Secretary of the CPCE)
19:00Evening prayer (Lutheran Citychurch of Vienna)

13th May 2022 | Friday  

07:30         Breakfast
08:45Morning Prayer
09:00Country reports: Conclusions
10:30Exploratory stage: Different forms of Output possible
(e.g., thesis paper, sermon, school lesson, song, poem, etc.) 
11:00Working on the Outputs 
12:30 Lunch
14:00More working on the Outputs
15:30Coffee break
16:00First draft of the Outputs
17:00Meet’n’greet’n‘speak“ – Presentation of the Outputs, Feedback and discussion (with students of the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Vienna & teacher training college of Vienna)

14th May 2022 | Saturday   

08:45Morning Prayer
09:00Finalizing Outputs
10:00Presentation of the final Outputs
10:30Coffee break
11:00Conclusion and outlook to 2023
11:30Evaluation of Conference
12:30Journey Blessing

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