Dr. Volkmar Ortmann
Project responsibility|Protestant League Hesse, Germany
Volkmar Ortmann is pastor, associate professor at Justus-Liebig University in Gießen and second chairman of the Protestant League Hesse [EB].
Dr. Mirjam Sauer
Project responsibility | Protestant League Hesse, Germany
Mirjam Sauer is pastor in training and postdoctoral fellow at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. She researches on protestantism and diaspora and works in various fields related to religious education.
Dr. Oliver Engelhardt
Project responsibility | Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, Austria
Oliver Engelhardt is responsible for Church Relations at the head office of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) in Vienna.
Marcus Hütter
Project responsibility | Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, Austria
Marcus Hütter is Pastor in training and phD student at the University of Vienna. Currently he works in the CPCE office in projects with the focus in the involvement of young people in the work of the CPCE.
Gerhard Servatius-Depner
Project responsibility | Center for Protestant Theology in Eastern Europe (ZETO), Romania
Gerhard Servatius-Depner is pastor in Mediasch. As director of ZETO he coordinates activities of education, society and ecumenism in orthodox surrounding/context.
Marcel Kehr (part one)
Project management | Protestant League Hesse, Germany
Marcel Kehr worked for the Protestant League Hesse.
Elisabeth Engler-Starck (part two)
Project management | Protestant League Hesse, Germany
Sie works for the Protestant League Hesse.
Hans Genthe
Public relations | Protestant League Hesse, Germany
Hans Genthe is pastor, media consultant and communications consultant.